Why Banya?

Give me the power to create a fever, and I shall cure any disease.

Fever Therapy and Cancer

There are many world-renowned cancer clinics that use Fever Therapy as part of their protocol to heal cancer. A fever is the body’s highly evolved attempt to destroy invading organisms and to sweat impurities out through the skin. Fever is an effective natural process of curing disease and restoring health. Hippocrates, the founder of Western medicine more than two thousand years ago said, “Give me the power to create a fever, and I shall cure any disease.” Induced or naturally occurring fever achieves the following: During a fever, the functioning of the immune system is stimulated, while the growth of bacteria and virus is forced to slow down. The production of white blood cells, the primary agents of the immune system, is increased, as is the rate of their release into the blood stream. The generation of antibodies speeds up, as does the production of interferon, an anti-viral protein that also has powerful cancer-fighting properties.

Research Links Fever to Increased Immune Response

  1. There is evidence that the frequent fevers of malaria might function as a cancer-protecting factor. Dr. Paavo Airola in his book, Worldwide Secrets of Staying Young related the story of the Pontine swamps near Rome in Italy, which, until a few decades ago, were a breeding ground for malaria-carrying mosquitoes. The swamps were dried out, and the malaria disappeared. However, during the next decades, that area, which had before been almost free of cancer, saw an increase in cancerous diseases. After a generation, the cancer incidence level of that area had reached the level of the rest of Italy. Malignant cells are selectively destroyed at temperatures of 106 to 110 degrees F, so the frequent fever attacks of people in the malaria-infected area may have mobilized the body’s own defenses too frequently for cancer to take hold.

  2. There is evidence that artificial fever works as an immune system stimulant by increasing the number of white blood cells in the body. In a 1959 review of studies on the effects of heat treatments, Mayo Clinic researcher Dr Wakim and colleagues cite findings indicating that the number of white blood cells in the blood increased by an average of 58% during artificially induced fever.

  3. Many modern giants of biological medicine in Europe, such as the Nobel Prize winner, Dr. A Lwoff, famous German cancer specialist, Professor Werner Zabel, and the director of the most successful cancer clinic in the world, the Ringberg-Klinik, Dr. Josef Issels, use artificially induced fever in the battle against cancer. Starting in 1951, in his hospital in Germany, Josef M Issels, M.D. administered several 100,000-fever treatments without any adverse side effects or complications to thousands of his patients suffering from progressive metastatic cancer. Studies carried out in his hospital showed the remarkable immune enhancing effects of fever therapy. Dr. Josef Issels says, “Artificially induced fever has the greatest potential in the treatment of many diseases, including cancer”.

  4. Research into the use of thermal therapy, or heat treatment, for cancer is being conducted at the University of Texas Houston Medical School and its teaching hospital, Memorial Hermann Hospital. According to researcher John Bull, M.D. “With modern science and technology, it has become possible to mimic fever by inducing controlled heating of the whole body or individual tissues. The focus of both our laboratory research and clinical research is the use of systemic heating or whole body thermal therapy to induce a fever-like state in order to treat metastatic cancer.”